Joy Palmquist picture
Sunset picture


The journey of life
Is not always clear
Sometimes on the path
One encounters some fear

What we know and what we feel
Are very different things
If we lived what we know
We would still have wings

The path has obstacles
That stand in our way
Our hearts have faith
We must muster each day

We are sent here to learn
Or to help many others
Most fill their role
As fathers and as mothers

Much more than a parent
Our journey still starts
With the growth within
In our minds and our hearts

Our soul is our heart
And our heart is our soul
To keep them growing
Is the journey, the goal

Dig deep in your soul
Take a look at your mission
Step up and be proud
Start to walk with admission

Admit where you've been
Admit where you are
Pick today as the day
You reach for that star

The star that guides you
On your journey and course
The star that inspires
Your energy, your force

Stand and be proud
The universe was right
You're happy, you're confident
You let go of the fright

By Joy Palmquist

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